Quotes from The Pregnancy

Doctor: "That rocket poached your eggs!"

Dilmom: "Knocked up?! I told him this would happen if he kept playing with rockets."
Dogbert: "You did?"
Dilmom: "I'm very thorough in my warnings."

Ratbert: "I need some money. Rats don't have money."

Wally: "Dilbert, would you like to date me?"
Dilbert: "Not in a million years."
Wally: "Yep, he's a woman."

Loud Harold: "Men can't multi-task, only women can multi-task!"

Boss: "Our maternity leave policy is that if you feel maternal you should leave."

Boss: "Dilbert, if I wasn't so completely consumed by my own problems, I might be persuaded to think there was something wrong with you."

Dilbert; "Mom, can I borrow your sewing machine? Mine doesn't exist."

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