Quotes from The Fact

Dilbert: "What are you doing?"
Dogbert: "I'm posting false information on the web."
Dilbert: "Why?"
Dogbert: "It's fun."

Dilbert: "But you have no proof."
Dogbert: "Oh, I have something much better than proof: anecdotal evidence."

Ratbert: "We're very fortunate to live in the time of Dogbert."

Dilbert: "And now, the mouse."
Ratbert: "Technically I'm a rat, not a mouse."
Dilbert: "I know, but you're all we could afford on our budget."
Ratbert: "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

Boss: "Don't do it for me, do it for yourself. And if you don't do it for yourself, do it because you'll be fired if you don't."

Dilbert: "People are tired, weary, bored, and depressed after a hard day's work. Day in, day out, year after year in endless dead-end job after endless dead-end job with no future and no hope. That's natural. It's completely appropriate to feel that way. How else should you feel? If you felt good after that soul-crunching experience, that woud be sick. Chronic cubicle syndrome is just life!"

Catbert: "Is there anything you'd like to say before we hang you out to dry?"

Dogbert: "The only way to escape from a bad idea is with an even worse idea. You're welcome."

Boss: "Credit travels up, blame travels down. It's like drinking beer from a straw if you know what I mean."

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